


  If a person tells you his hand discs, which records your life, you will open to see how to do the rest of your life?如果一個人告訴你,他手上有張光碟,裏麵記錄了你的一生,你會打開看你的餘生如何嗎?
  A willing manner, and slowly I am not willing to spend the time.以一種舍得的方式,慢慢消磨我不舍得的時光。
  Do not wait for you to come a long way, only to find that I have lost.不要等你走了很遠,才發現已經弄丟了我。
  A blink of an eye is a bloom and fall, brought back the past, why clutch.一轉眼便是一個花開又落,找不回的過去,又何必抓著不放。
  Do not use a person's past when it comes to exposing other people's wounds, you hear, you see, after all, is not essential, who did not in the past, why clutch.別用一個人的過去來揭人家的傷口,你聽到的你看到的終究不是本質,誰還沒有個過去,何必抓著不放。
  If we are children, we can stay in the time of the place, sit together while listening to that never grow old story while slowly Haoshou to.如果我們都是孩子,就可以留在時光的原地,坐在一起一邊聽那些永不老去的故事一邊慢慢皓首。
  When you go forward, all the way to sow the flowers, because the same road you will never walk back.當你往前走的時候,要一路撒下花朵,因為同樣的道路你決不會再走第二回。

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